Blog Posts

May 23 | 2024

Aspen Films Blog

Capturing the Spirit of the Thunder Bay Young Peoples Council Event

We had the privilege of partnering with the Chiefs of Ontario to document the Thunder Bay Young Peoples Council Event in Thunder Bay, Ontario. This two-day event was a significant gathering aimed at empowering Indigenous youth by providing them with platforms to share their initiatives, foster networks, and strengthen their advocacy and leadership skills. Aspen was entrusted with the task of delivering professional video production and event photography services, culminating in a dynamic highlight reel and a collection of impactful photographs.

Project Goals

The primary goal of this project was to capture the essence of the Thunder Bay Young Peoples Council Event. This included documenting the activities, speeches, and interactions that characterized the event, thereby showcasing the vitality and commitment of the young participants. The final deliverables were a professionally produced three-minute highlight reel and a set of raw event photos, which would be used by the Chiefs of Ontario to further promote and support youth advocacy and leadership within their communities.


The first day began with the Aspen team arriving early to set up their equipment at the event venue. The initial focus was on capturing the opening ceremonies and the keynote addresses, which set the tone for the rest of the event. With multiple cameras strategically positioned, Aspen ensured comprehensive coverage of the speeches, audience reactions, and the overall atmosphere.

Throughout the event, the team moved seamlessly across the venue, recording various workshops, group discussions, and interactive sessions. The goal was to highlight the diverse range of activities and the active participation of the attendees. The photographers focused on candid shots that captured the genuine engagement and enthusiasm of the youth, providing a vibrant and authentic visual narrative.


The highlight reel and event photos were met with great enthusiasm by the Chiefs of Ontario. The visual documentation effectively captured the spirit and significance of the Thunder Bay Young Peoples Council Event. The highlight reel served not only as a promotional tool but also as a lasting tribute to the dedication and leadership of the participating youth. The photos offered a versatile resource for ongoing advocacy and community engagement efforts.

Aspen’s collaboration with the Chiefs of Ontario at the Thunder Bay Young Peoples Council Event was a resounding success. By providing high-quality video production and photography services, Aspen helped amplify the voices of Indigenous youth and highlighted their efforts to make a positive impact in their communities. This project stands as a testament to the power of visual storytelling in promoting and supporting youth leadership and advocacy.